Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cafe Astor

Currently sitting at a place called cafe Astor that our roommates told us about because they come here to study a lot. One of them, Kelly, actually just got a job here for the fall. She decided after she got here that she loved it so much she wanted to stay here first semester. Jeallly vanellllly. Paige is writing a paper, so I think I'll write a little posty-post and then maybe read some game of thrones pt deux. So, on Monday night we had a welcome dinner with the other people in our program, which was nice. They all seem pretty cool. Afterwards, we went out with Kelly and Becca and met up with some girls they met on a trip to croatia last weekend. We then went to a bar called the lion's fountain. It was a lot of fun, but I think we were all a little over served...I woke up feeling not so hawt. Oh well. Yesterday was our first day of class. I'm taking a management class that only has one other person in it...kinda awk. I guess I won't be skipping any classes. The prof is an Italian man, probably about 55, who spent the first 30 mins telling us his life story- he was an executive for fiat, but quit after 20 years because he was having a midlife crisis. He then moved to Tahiti for three years, but had to move home and find a job after he ran out of money. Now, he teaches at the London School of Economics and in Florence. Honestly, the class isn't that interesting, but hopefully it will get better. Two good things though- he has let us out super early the past 2 days and he can't find a. Lot of the books we're supposed to be reading in the lib, so no homework tonight! We do have a test on Friday though, so that should be interesting. Also, At some point we are going to go to some fancy restaurant, so that should be cool. I'll keep y'all updated. After class I had wanted to go to this market down the street from us, but felt so terrible that I was sure I would be sick if I didn't go straight home. Of course being me though, I got lost and it took me an extra 20 minutes to get home. We relaxed at the apt for a while and ate lunch, the went to get gelato at a place that ine of Paiges's friends who studied abroad here last year told her about, and to continue our search for notebooks for class and towels- once again. We for gelato at a place called something neri. They had soooo many flavors, but I decided on rice while Paige got 2 that her fiend had recommended her. The rice was pretty tasty- kind of tasted like vanilla with a little hint in lemon and pieces of rice in it. Mmmmmm. Sme girls we had met the night before had told us about a place callen coin that they bought towels at, and they weren't super expensive. Soooo, we went there and it is a department store,which actually has pretty cute stuff. After days of searching we FINALLY found towels!!! It was amazing. The only thing is that the only ones we could find on sale are an awkward size- bigger than a hand towel but smaller than a regular one. Oh well, no more drying off with paper towels. For Paige's class, fashion marketing, she has tomgo into a nice italian clothing store and write about her experience there. So, we walked by all the nice stores near ponte vecchio (sp?). It was Biut 7 by then though, so they were already closed...some of them still had people in them though so we tried to go in and looked suuuper awk when we realized the doors were locked... On the wy home We also went back to the Conad and bought some chicken and barley (yummmmmm) to make for dinner. After we ate, i finallt showered for what felt like the first time in forever- it was . Did a little reading for class and then passed out. I think we might go check out the gym at the school nw, so peace playas! Olivia

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