Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Observations, funny things.

On this, our last night in Paris, I thought I would enlighten all of you with my observations on the 'City of Light' and some of funny observations from these past few days. 1. What do French people do all day? People seem to take long, leisurely, wine filled lunches in the middle of the week, seemingly any regard to getting back to work. I would really like to know what all of these people do for a living, no one really seems to be in a hurry...ever. Seems nice. 2. I've been trying to use my French as much as possible, but when the Frenchies realize you are American- which they usually do pretty quickly, they refuse to speak French to you anymore. Sad. Paige and I decided we would still keep talking to them in French anyways. Today, we went to the Louvre. We had already bought our tickets at a tourism office, so we got to skip the ENORMOUS line, which was awesome! Once we got in, we went straight to the Egyptian wing and took our time looking through the entire thing. It was really cool, but I had no idea just how big that area was. We got to see a real mummy, which was cool but also really scary. By the time we left the Egypt wing, the rest of the museum was JAM PACKED! I've rarely seen that many people in one place before in my life. I was also suuuuper thirsty, but there are legitimately no water fountains anywhere and all the lines for the stores and cafe's were super long. We looked at some more stuff- namely the mona lisa and winged victory. Paige and I also went allllll the way up the to the second floor, which is actually up like 4 flights of stairs and looked at some contemporary stuff. The best part about it was that there was like no one up there. After that, we were all pretty hungry and thirsty and it was just toooo crowded to really enjoy everything as much as I would have liked too, so we left. Paige and I went and ate a creperie-yum! We both got ham, cheese and egg crepes and then nutella crepes for desert. After relaxing for a bit, Dad, Paige and I crossed the river to the St. Germain, Latin Quarter area and looked around. That area is really cool and I wish I could have had more time there to explore. We spend a very long time looking for the Shakespeare and Co. bookstore and almost gave up many times but FINALLY found it. It's sooo cute/cool. Definitely worth the search. Alright, that's all for now- going to bed early tonight because we have to wake up at 4 am to get ready to catch our flight to Barcelona. Oh yeah, also we just realized that our luggage can only weigh 44 pounds and we can only have one 21 pound carry on...eek! Needless to say, Paige and I just spend the evening trying to throw away as much as possible out our luggage! that's all for now! still trying to figure out the whole picture thing, may try and upload some of Paige's.

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