Monday, July 16, 2012

Last night in Barca.

Arggggg, once again Paige and I are scrambling to try and figure out how to make out suitcases lighter and this time we don't have Dad and Peter's bags to shove things in. I guess that means we're both sending a lot of stuff home...sad face. I just wish I had a scale so I could know for sure if my bag is overweight or not. Besides that, I'll give y'all a little update on what we've been up to these past two days in Spain. We did sooo much yesterday. Got up pretty early because Dad wanted to get some good sightseeing in before he and Peter left to take the train to Pamplona. Yes, he and Peter did go run with bulls...please stop for a moment to contemplate Patrick Broderick running at all, much less when there are several angry bulls rushing towards him, yeah it's a pretty hi-larious thought. I feel like I must have walked at least 6 or 7 miles yesterday- not exaggerating! The blister on my toe knuckle that I got from my cool new euro shoes is steadily getting worse looking and worse looking. I am really not looking forward to wearing those on the plane tomorrow. I was wearing sandals yesterday and still the blister somehow got woes. But enough about my woes, we went to Gaudi's Sagrada Familia church yesterday and it was suuuuper cray-zay looking! In the front there is a freeze (sp?) of the passion of the Christ and the roman soldiers look a lot like storm troopers. I wonder if that's where George Lucas got the idea for their costumes. We couldn't go in because Paige and I had shorts on. Also, the line was suuuuper long and you had to pay to get in. Boo! Ugh, just wrote a really long post and it all got deleted, so I'm just gonna write a few highlights. We went to the Sagrada familia and park guell. Dad broke his sunglasses and bought a pair of ray bEn's. Dad and Peter left to go run with the bulls. Paige and I walked along the beach, felt very overdressed and saw lots of naked old men- in clouding one father (65) son (25) pair playing paddle ball naked. Paige and I also hike up to the Olympic stadium on mt monjuic. Pretty views. That's all for now, will write about our hellish experience getting to Florence soon. Xo Olivia

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