Saturday, July 28, 2012

So, I think we have bed bugs...

Well, maybe not bed bugs per se- but something that makes me suuuuper itchy in the night, and causes me (and all da roomies) to wake up with red dots and mosquito bites all over ourselves. Just to give you some forewarning- I will be complaining quite a bit in the next few sententes. Yes, I realize this is bratty, as I am in Europe and shouldn't whine, but I don't care. Other things about the apartment- the floors are sick, as in gross not awesome. Because we have to leave to windows and balcony dors open at all times in order to not die of heat stroke, a lot of dirt and leaves get in. My feet were getting so narsty that I bought Paige and I some really chic flip flops from the 99 cent store to wear around the house. The shower is also very small and i'm convinced that the washing machine dies not make my clothes completely clean. Finally, there is a lingering odor, which we cannot discern the source of. And now on to my health complaints. I have cold. In July. Is absolutely not cold here. Ever. So, I don't know where it came from. My illness is complete with a super sore throat (which has thankfully gotten better), constant runny nose and a hacking smokers cough that is oh so lady like. Finally, my feet. All of this walking around I have been doing in sandals has not been kind to my poor feetsies. This is really gross, sorry, but it has gotten to the point where the skin is cracking-making every step painful. Never in my life have I been in suh need of a pedicure. Ok, enough complaining- on to other things. As I said in my previous post, we went to a restaurant on Tuesday for lunch called la giostra. Both Paige and I had been told by numerous people that we needed to go there and get pear ravioli, so of course we did. We or Brie ravioli too and both were super yummy. The Resturant was so nice- they give you complimentary champagne and hors d'oevres when you sit down. It also wasn't too crowded since we went al lunch,which was nice. I'm not really a pasta person at all, but it's do crazy how much better pasta is here. You can taste that it is authentic and homemade. Nom. Oh yeah, and on the way to lunch, Kelly was trying to get money out of an ATM machine and it ate her card! When I went in the bank to tell them, they were super unhelpful and just said we had to wait and it would eventually come out. It didn't. Kelly had to o in there two more times before they were like, oh yeah it's broken, you need to bring us your passport and we'll open it up and get it out. They were jerks. But she got her card back- yay! Also, to get into the bank, you can't just walk in- you have to press this button and a semi-circular door opens to this use that looks like a time travel portal from star trek. You then have to stand in the tube, wait for the door to close and then wait for the other door, which opens to the inside of the bank, to open. It's a very time consuming and claustrophobic process. The rest of the week, we did a lot of walking around, got some more gelato, I almost finished getting all my gifts together for my fam, studied for my test that was yesterday, spent an entire afternoon watching old Olympic footage to get pumped up for the games, had a yummy lunch at 'the oil shop' (only open for lunch and has tasty salads and sanwhiches), and watched the entire Olympic opening ceremony- couldn't hear anything though/all the comentary was in Italian so I don't think we got the full effect. Paige and I spend all day today on a tour of Tuscany and a vineyard. Very cool. I'll tell y'all more about it later. Ciao bellas! Olivia

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